Saturday, July 11, 2009

Itching all of the Time

The mosquitoes are bad here this year.  This is the dry season, but as I have mentioned, it has been much cooler than usual and it was a particularly wet year so the water around the house has not dried up.  I don’t know if I am a particular target or if I am reacting differently to the bites, but I am covered in itchy bites that just don’t seem to get better.  Also, I have a very bad itchy rash along the inside of my right arm which has been there for 5 or 6 days and is not getting any better.  We are trying a couple of different creams that we brought and one of the guys at the resort has some tea tree oil which I am slathering on.  I don’t think that it’s hurting me, but nothing seems to be helping. 


The good news is that all of us have been very healthy.  We are cautious with what we eat.  All of it has been well cooked or from the resort where we know that they take good precautions and the kitchen is very clean.  We also had ice cream (real soft serve!) in Mangochi once.  In talking to people who have been here many times, it is unusual to get tummy bugs.  Nettie bought strawberries at the market the other day.  They looked gorgeous and they were a great price but I was afraid of them.  I asked her how she was going to clean them.  She said, “Oh, I guess that I don’t worry about that.”  She has been here 7 or 8 years in a row.  Jess and Jesse don’t peel their tomatoes and eat spinach from the farm up the road.  So, really, I think that it is pretty safe to eat here.  I always feel some tummy something in Mexico and have felt great here.  

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